Vocalia consort
Vocalia consort

vocalia consort vocalia consort

From these words we can gather, for the Gospel according to Luke, the matter, the manner of writing, the purpose and the condition of the writer.Īugustinus de Cons. Gloss: Among the mysteries of the incarnation of Christ, which Isaiah diligently and openly foretold, he says: "I will clothe the heavens" etc. Glossa: Inter cetera incarnationis Christi mysteria, quae Isaias propheta diligenter et aperte praenuntiat, dicit induam caelos tenebris etc., ex quibus verbis accipere possumus Evangelii secundum Lucam materiam, modum scribendi, finem et conditionem scriptoris.

vocalia consort

He awakens me in the morning in the morning he awakens my ear, that I may hear him as my teacher. The Lord gave me an erudite tongue, so that I can sustain the fallen by my word. I will clothe the heavens with darkness, and place a sack as their covering. Erigit mane, mane erigit mihi aurem, ut audiam quasi magistrum. Dominus dedit mihi linguam eruditam, ut sciam sustentare eum qui lapsus est verbo. Induam caelos tenebris, et saccum ponam operimentum eorum.

Vocalia consort