Maplestory lucid soul calc
Maplestory lucid soul calc

maplestory lucid soul calc

Damage percentages are based on your HP.Skills used by Easy Lucid, Normal Lucid and Hard Lucid are the same.Death Counts Allowed: 10 per person throughout the whole battle.Resists all elements, including Physical.DEF: 300% throughout the battle for Easy, Normal and Hard modes.Level: 230 (Character Level 235/240 or higher for 1.2x damage dealt in Non-Reboot/Reboot world respectively).Overall time limit: 30 minutes (for Hard Mode, time limit changes to 45 seconds on Phase 3).No rewards (EXP, items, monster collection chance, quests) can be earned even if the boss is killed in practice mode. Practice mode is allowed 20 times daily (shared across all the bosses).Clear count is allowed up till once per week, regardless of mode (except practice mode).Entry is allowed once daily per mode (except practice mode) if you did not take Lucid down.

Maplestory lucid soul calc